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Latest projects


"Rights of Nature – a vehicle for sustainable development? Operationalisation and critique from an international and comparative law perspective". Research financed by the National Science Centre, Poland; grant no. 2021/43/B/HS5/01839.

Logo of the National Science Centre, Poland.

Durabilité et le droit

"Durabilité et le droit. Perspectives internes et internationales". PHC Polonium project, financed by Campus France and Polish Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).

Logo Campus France.Logo NAWA – Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.

RoN Talk

"Rights of Nature – a solution of Europe?". Una Europa Talk, Brussels, 15 November 2022.

Logo of Una Europa.


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Stay tuned!

We will post our research outputs in this section once they are ready. Many of them will be available in open access.

Summaries of conclusions

Our summaries of conclusions for the general public are available both in French and in English. We hope you will enjoy them!

The first page of the summary of conclusions from the "Durabilité et le droit. Perspectives internes et internationales" in French.The first page of the summary of conclusions from the "Durabilité et le droit. Perspectives internes et internationales" in English.

The book

The book has been published!

Pierre Serrand, Piotr Szwedo, Wojciech Zagorski, Lena Helińska (eds), La durabilité saisie par le droit, Mare & Martin 2023.

Contributors: Olivera Boskovic, Julien Cazala, Laurent Fonbaustier, Géraldine Goffaux Callebaut, Cédric Guillerminet, Nicolas Haupais, Lena Helińska, Inga Kawka, Sandie Lacroix-De Sousa, Sabrina Lenormand-Caillère, Christine Mengès-Le Pape, Dariusz Piatek, François Saint-Bonnet, Piotr Szwedo, Wojciech Zagorski.



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Selected results of previous projects

Szwedo, Piotr, Richard Peltz-Steele, and Dai Tamada, eds. Law and Development: Balancing Principles and Values. Kobe University Monograph Series in Social Science Research. Singapore: Springer, 2019., Piotr. Cross-Border Water Trade: Legal and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Brill Nijhoff, 2018.